A Surprise for Mrs. Bunny
Written and Illustrated
 by Charlotte Steiner

My how I loved this book as a child. I loved the way each bunny painted his egg to match something pretty he or she had seen . . . Dolly's red like the rose, Trolly's orange like the carrots, Rolly's yellow like the duck, Molly's green like the lettuce, Wolly's blue like the sky, Polly's purple like the violets. I even loved when Lolly spilled black ink on his egg . . . oops! . . .  and had to color it black, though I did feel a little sad for him. But poor Jolly! He could not decide and his egg went into the basket still white. But that white egg held a surprise for Mrs. Bunny! I'll bet you can guess what it was. My copy from childhood was gone long ago, but  I was delighted when I obtained another to love and remember all these years later. 



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